Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dharma talk - the Precepts

This is last week's Dharma talk that I delivered to the Original Mind Zen Sangha. One of my goals for 2013 is to develop a podcast. This is the beginning stage. Enjoy. 


  1. There should be a better way to share audio than dropbox :-D, or a better way to check twitter than flipboard ;-)

  2. If buddhas words goes against the grain of hinduism, which it should, then it translates to, imho, suffering is not inevitable. But then the proof for this was beyond even buddha :-D

  3. I agree. Blogger, however, is very difficult to work with mp3s. I tried to embed an audio player but for some reason the html wouldn't take. Any suggestions?

    iTunes will be coming soon. Thanks!

    1. Soundcloud also seems a good option. I use android, and hv to DoubleTwist into itunes :-D

  4. Have you looked at PodOmatic? It is compatible with iTunes and can be embedded in a blog post.
